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South Tulsa Surgery Center Case Study
Customer South Tulsa Surgery Center Location Tulsa, OK Services Provided Design Build, MECH, TAB, BAS Overview of Project ES2 has served...

Cleveland Public Schools
Customer Cleveland Public Schools Location Cleveland, OK Services Provided BAS, MECH, TAB Overview of Project ES2 has helped Cleveland...

Misawa Air Base
Customer Trane Location Misawa, Aomori Prefecture of Japan Services Provided Commissioning Overview of Project ES2 had the opportunity to...

Tulsa Drillers
Customer Tulsa Drillers Location Tulsa, Oklahoma Services Provided Design Build, BAS, MECH Overview of Project ES2’s long-term...

Tulsa Technology Center-Lemley
Customer Tulsa Technology Center-Lemley Location Tulsa, Oklahoma Services Provided TAB Overview of Project ES2 proudly provided the test...

Mercy Health Systems in Northwest Arkansas
Customer Mercy Hospital Locations Rogers, Arkansas Springdale, Arkansas Bentonville, Arkansas Services Provided TAB CX Overview of...

Hartford Building
Customer Hartford Building Blue Dome Anchor Group Clarion Penwell (2nd Fl North) Root Coworking (1st Floor North & 2nd Floor South)...

Employee Feature: Danny Linn
We would like you to meet our employee, Danny Linn. Danny is a Project Manager with our Test Adjust and Balance department in Tulsa.

Employee Feature: Levi Jacquemin
We would like you to meet our employee, Levi Jacquemin. Levi is a Project Manager with our Test Adjust and Balance department in our...
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