Tulsa Area United Way
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Services Provided
Mechanical, BAS, TAB
Overview of Project
One of ES2’s core values is “service,” and through the work we perform, we seek to live that value to better our community. Meeting the needs of a non-profit like the Tulsa Area United Way allows us to contribute to an organization that actively helps and serves the community. We were referred by another customer to see if we could assist with HVAC issues that the TAUW was encountering. Upon our site visit, we determined that they were having problems with cooling the ground floor, and their controls were not adequately controlling the mechanical equipment. They had one large AHU (Air Handling Unit), which served the whole first floor comprised of the lobby, hallway, and a large conference room. The AHU had a refrigerant leak and was at the end of its useful lifecycle and could not adequately cool the space, especially given that each area had very different occupancies and air/temperature needs. These findings meant the TAUW was limited in how they could use the conference room for large community meetings. We determined that temporary repair of the AHU would be best to cool the building and allow time to develop a long-term solution to more effectively cool the space.
We discussed options that would better fit the occupants' building needs. Non-profit organizations often have to focus their usage of funds on their mission, which meant we would need to find a cost-efficient solution. The options we presented were a new engineered solution to split the spaces into two separate zones; each served by its own rooftop unit to more efficiently and effectively provide the right amount of conditioned air to each space. We also designed the control program for demand-based ventilation. Since there is a wide range of a potential number of occupants in the large conference room, the sensors would read how much CO2 is in the space, and based on that, our Automated Logic WebCTRL system would tell the unit how much outside air to bring in. This ensures there is always fresh air without wasting energy to condition excess air. We reached out to local HVAC manufacturers we partner with, and AAON agreed to donate two rooftop units for this project.
We were awarded the project and began moving forward with finalizing what we needed to do to transition from one unit to two and how we were going to integrate our WebCtrl to the new units. The project went very well with the transition from a central AHU to two RTU’s that gave the customer better system performance. One unit was able to control the lobby area and halls; the other controlled the large gathering room. Our TAB technicians balanced both systems, ensuring that the 9-ton outside air unit would bring in the proper amount of fresh air based on the number of occupants indicated by the sensors installed in the conference room.
Whether a building is old or new, ES2’s skilled team of technicians and engineers can have the ability to evaluate a building’s HVAC and building automation systems to ensure that everything is running to optimal capacity in the most cost-efficient way.
Parts Serviced
WebCTRL, ZN551, G5CE, ZS2P-H, 4-ton rooftop unit, and integrated to the AAON controls over BACnet to operate the 9-ton rooftop unit.
#ES2 #TAB #TulsaAreaUnitedWay #BAS #Mechanical #IAQ #CleanAir #Nonprofit #BuildingAutomation #HVAC #EngineeredSystemsEnergySolutions