City of Norman
Norman, Oklahoma
Services Provided
Overview of Project
This case study will review the various projects ES2 has performed for the City of Norman throughout the years. In 2009, ES2 was given the opportunity to provide a solution to update the City of Norman’s HVAC control system at a single facility that was facing ill-performing sequences of operations that were affecting the indoor air quality. The City of Norman’s staff saw that keeping the outdated proprietary systems operational would increase service fees. ES2’s solution was to update the controls system to WebCTRL by Automated Logic, which provided efficiency and utility savings capabilities. This solution was then applied to several other city buildings.
In 2013 the City of Norman’s Building A control system was renovated from an existing JCI Metasys N2 system. All the VAV terminal unit legacy hardware remained and was brought into the WebCTRL front end by replacing the JCI NAE with a BACnet/IP router. This allowed the City of Norman’s original investment of control hardware to be interfaced with the operability of the WebCTRL system. ES2 also furnished NEBB certified Test Adjust and Balance services throughout several sites to ensure comfort and efficiency were delivered to the building.
Having a proven record of solutions, the City of Norman turned to ES2 for assistance with control systems on the new Norman Forward Plan, a citizen initiative to create quality-of-life projects for the community. One of these projects was the Norman Public Library Central facility, which was completed in 2019. This building serves as the new town hall with shared community spaces, conference rooms, a technology lab, a genealogy research workspace, and a multi-purpose room that can accommodate a range of events. Expanding more than 78,600 sq. ft. of air-conditioned space, the sky and plinth design concept created a unique challenge for HVAC system control. Working in unison with a range of design strategies, ES2 expanded the City of Norman’s original WebCTRL system to give the operating staff the ability to control and monitor the systems that earned this facility a LEED Silver Certification.
Construction is underway with ES2 mobilized for the latest Norman Forward facilities, including the new Young Family Athletic Center and Senior Wellness Center. These facilities will again expand the City of Norman’s WebCTRL database and furnish state-of-the-art HVAC control services, including SVG graphic package and Fault Detection Diagnostic tools integral to the control software package. The Senior Wellness Center’s world-class amenities will include a walking track, warm saltwater pool, multi-purpose rooms for classes and exercise, multiple classrooms for art, a strength training area, teaching kitchen, all housed in an over 30,000 sq. ft. facility. The Young Family Center will be built on a 12-acre site with a building envelope of approximately 122,000 sq. ft. There is an aquatic portion of the building with competition pools, a Multi-Sport Gym portion with eight basketball courts and twelve volleyball courts, and Norman Regional Health System will operate a sports and human performance center with physician clinics.
In total, ES2 has performed work on eleven buildings for the City of Norman. ES2’s solution experts are proud to continually furnish innovative services that improve the efficiency and operability of the buildings for the City of Norman.
Contact our knowledgeable team members to find out how we can help improve your building's environment. (405) 233-3114
Photos and renderings courtesy of the City of Norman.
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